I am an artist/storyteller using shadows to create narratives inspired by myth, metaphor and memory. My work includes photographs, films and limited edition artists’ books and is collected and exhibited in museums, galleries, offices and private residences.

My inspiration is in written words, observations and memories while my studio practice includes working intuitively fabricating sets from selected props until something emerges and imaginary worlds come to life.

I seek collectors, curators, gallerists, patrons, publishers and designers to purchase, exhibit, commission and license my work.

Viewers are entertained, stimulated, surprised, inspired, challenged and imagine places they have never been. They discover stories in their imagination with fragments of reality that suggest the unanswerable and in-determinant endings. They escape to imaginary worlds of whimsical connections and nonsensical familiarities and oftentimes.
They relive their childhood and connect to a memory in a world created by illusion.

Shadow Portrait Commissions:
Patrons are an integral part of the creative process and experience …… working with an artist. They see their portraits as unusual family heirlooms that leave behind and essence and captures a sense of their spirit having been there.

Shadow Portraits transcend time, age and fashion while harkening back to the history of photography